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BOI AXA Overnight Fund NFO Details


BOI AXA Overnight Fund NFO period from Jan 27 to Jan 28:

BOI AXA Mutual Fund propelled another store offer. The NFO is BOI AXA Overnight Fund. It was an open-finished obligation support. Likewise, the class of the store is a short-term support. The NFO membership period begins on 27th Jan and finishes on 28th Jan.


I AXA Overnight Fund NFO Details:

Store Name BOI AXA Overnight Fund

Store House BOI AXA Mutual Fund

NFO Period Jan 27 to Jan 28, 2020

Benchmark CRSIL Overnight Index

The benchmark of the NFO is the CRSIL Overnight Index. This will be accessible in both the immediate arrangement and the ordinary arrangement. The NFO cost is Rs 10 for every value unit. The Risk Profile of this Fund was low.

Mr. Amit Modani was the store director for this NFO. The BOI AXA Investment Managers Private Limited and BOI AXA Trustee Services Private Limited are the advantage the executives and trustee organizations for BOI AXA Fund.

Section burden and leave load:

There is a nil passage load for this BOI AXA Overnight NFO. Additionally, there is a nil leave load for this NFO.

Distribution design:

Instruments Allocation (% of Assets) Risk Profits

Obligation and Money showcase instruments 0% to 100% Low

Least speculation:

The base measure of speculation ought to be Rs 5,000 and products of Rs 1 from that point. The extra acquisition of units needs to pay Rs 1,000 and in products of Re 1 at the hour of membership period. Likewise, for the STP class, the base portion of Rs 1,000 every month.

Targets of the NFO:

It intends to acquire salary by putting resources into Overnight protections with okay and high liquidity. The organization won't give confirmation for the venture target of the reserve will accomplish.

Disclaimer: This article offers just data with respect to the plan. It doesn't give any exhortation or venture tips to financial specialists. MF ventures are fixed to advertise chance. If it's not too much trouble counsel your money related consultant before contribute.



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