JM Financial Products Ltd NCD period from Feb 13 to Mar 9:
The JM Financial items NCD period begins On Feb 13. The NCD offered by JM Financial Products Ltd. the organization fused in 1984. The NCD time frame will end on ninth March. It was a non-banking money related organization.
NCD Details:
Offer period Feb 13 to Mar 9, 2020
Security Name JM Financial Products Ltd
Security Type Secured, Redeemable, Non-Convertible Debentures
NCD Size (Base) Rs 100 cr
NCD Size (Shelf) Rs 2,000 cr
NCD Price Rs 1,000 cr
Face Vale Rs 1,000 cr
Least Lot Size 10 NCD
Market Lot 1 NCD
Posting At BSE
Credit Rating ICRA AA/Stable, CRISIL AA/ Stable
Tenor 24, 40, 60, 120 months
Series Series I to X
installment Frequency Annual, Cumulative and Monthly
Premise of Allotment First Come First Serve Basis
The organization has wanted to raise a base size of Rs 100 cr with an alternative of holding up to Rs 2,000 crores. The financial specialist needs to contribute at least 10 bonds and in products of 1 NCD bond. The Face estimation of the plan is Rs 1000 for each NCD bond.
It offers distinctive loan costs and residencies of two years, 40 months, 60 months, and 120 months. The NCD is accessible in 10 arrangement. It is recorded on the National Stock Exchange. Interest payables are accessible month to month, Annually, and on Cumulative.
JM Financial Products Ltd Coupon rates:
Series Frequency Tenor Coupon Rate Maturity Amount
I Annually 24 Months 9.50% Rs 1,000
II Cumulative 24 Months NA Rs 1,199.02
III Annually 40 Months 9.70% Rs 1,000
IV Cumulative 40 Months NA Rs 1,361.28
V Monthly 40 Months 9.29% Rs 1,000
VI Annually 60 Months 9.90% Rs 1,000
VII Cumulative 60 Months NA Rs 1,603.20
VIII Monthly 120 Months 9.48% Rs 1,000
IX Annually 120 Months 10.00% Rs 1,000
X Monthly 120 Months 9.57% Rs 1,000
The ICRA Rating Agency evaluated as AA-/Stable and CRISIL appraised as AA-/Stable. It will be recorded on the National Stock Exchange (NSE).
Disclaimer: This article gives data about the plan. It doesn't offer any guidance or suggestion. If it's not too much trouble counsel your money related consultant before contributing.
