Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd NCD Period begins from Jan 6 To Jan 22, 2020:
Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Established in 1979. It is one of the greatest nonbanking money organizations. It offers types of assistance for FTB (first-time purchasers) and SRTOs (little street transport administrators) for productive segments. The NCD time of the organization begins on Jan 2020 and closes on 22nd Jan 2020.
NCD Details:
Issue Open Jan 6 To Jan 22, 2020
Security Name Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd
Security Type Secured, Redeemable, Non-Convertible Debentures (Secured NCDs)
Issue Size(Base) Rs 200 cr
Issue Size (Shelf) Rs 1,000 cr
Issue Price Rs 1,000 for every NCD
Face Value Rs 1,000 each NCD
Least Lot Size 10 NCD
Market Lot 1 NCD
Posting At BSE, NSE
Credit Rating CARE AA+/Stable, IND AA+/Stable

Tenor Annual, Cumulative, and month to month
Series Series I to VIII
Installment Frequency 3 years, 5 Years, 7 years
Premise of Allotment First Come Frist Serve Basis
The Size of the issue is Rs 200 crore. It was a made sure about, redeemable, non-convertible debentures type NCDs. Shriram Capital Limited goes about as an advertiser for this NCD.
The assumed worth of this NCD is Rs 1,000 for every NCD. The cost of the issue is Rs 1,000 for every NCD. Its market part is 1 NCD. The units will be allocated by the primary start things out serve strategy. This NCD will be recorded on BSE and NSE.
Coupon Rates:
Series Interest Payment Tenures Months Coupon Rate Maturity Value
I Monthly 3 Years 8.52% RS 1,000
II Monthly 5 years 8.66% Rs 1,000
III Monthly 7 Years 8.75% RS 1,000
Iv Annually 3 Years 8.85% Rs 1,000
V Annually 5 years 9.00% RS 1,000
VI Annually 7 Years 9.10% Rs 1,000
VII Cumulative 3 Years NA Rs 1,289.99
VIII Cumulative 5 years NA Rs 1,539.35
Shriram Transport Finance Company NCD Minimum speculation:
The base size of the issue is 10 NCDs (Rs 10,000). It was material for the whole arrangement and furthermore in products of 1 NCD (Rs 1,000) for all arrangement.
Objects of the NCD:
The issue will use the raised sum for advances and financing, and discounting the loaning sum, comparably for the general corporate purposes.
The proposed NCDs have been evaluated as CARE AA+/Stable, IND AA+/Stable. The units designated to the QIBs are 10%, 10% for NIIs, 40% for HNI s and 40% for RIIs.
Disclaimer: This article gives data about the plan. It doesn't offer any guidance or suggestion. If you don't mind counsel your monetary counselor before contributing.